2017 Interschool season and results

Updated January 30th, 2018

Secondary Competitions

The Division 1 and Division 2 Competitions have 5 players in a team, while the Division 3 and the Division 3 Girls Competitions have 4 players in the team.

The Division 1 and Divison 3 and Division 3 Girls Competitions are all played on the same night, while the Division 2 Competition is played on the alternate night.

The Division 3 Girls Competition involves all the Girls Teams initially playing each other, and then all the teams being merged into the general Divison 3 Competition.

The Division 1 games are played at a time rate of 60 minutes per player with an extra 10 second increment being added to each player each time they make a move.

The Division 2 and 3 Competitions play 2 games per night. The first game starts at 7PM and if the games are not finished by 7:30PM, a chess clock is set for the players so that they each have 10 minutes to finish the game. The second game typically start around 7:55PM and the competition is normally all finished by 8:45PM

Dates for Divison 1

Term 2 Round 1 Friday 12th May 2017 7 PM
  Round 2 Friday 26th May 2017 7 PM
  Round 3 Friday 16th June 2017 7 PM
  Round 4  Friday 30th June 2017 7 PM
Term 3 Round 5 Friday 4th August 2017 7 PM
  Round 6  Friday 18th August 2017 7 PM
  Round 7  Friday 8th September 2017 7 PM

Dates for Division 3 and Division 3 Girls.

Term 2 Round 1 & 2 Friday 12th May 2017 7 PM
  Round 3 & 4 Friday 26th May 2017 7 PM
  Round 5 & 6 Friday 16th June 2017 7 PM
  Round 7 & 8  Friday 30th June 2017 7 PM
Term 3 Round 9 & 10 Friday 4th August 2017 7 PM
  Round 11 & 12  Friday 18th August 2017 7 PM

Dates for Division 2.

Term 2 Round 1 & 2 Friday 19th May 2017 7 PM
  Round 3 & 4 Friday 2nd June 2017 7 PM
  Round 5 & 6 Friday 23rd June 2017 7 PM
 Term 3 Round 7 & 8  Friday 28th July 2017 7 PM
  Round 9 & 10 Friday 11th August 2017 7 PM
  Round 11 & 12  Friday 25th August 2017 7 PM

Primary Competitions


The Interschool Primary Competitions will be run:

Term 2 Round 1 Friday 12th May 2017 4 PM
  Round 2 Friday 26th May 2017 4 PM
  Round 3 Friday 16th June 2017 4 PM
  Round 4  Friday 30th June 2017 4 PM
Term 3 Round 5 Friday 4th August 2017 4 PM
  Round 6  Friday 18th August 2017 4 PM
  Round 7  Friday 8th September 2017  4 PM

 Some competitions take place on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoons – please adjust the dates accordingly.


Final Results

Secondary Division 1 (5 player teams)

A big Congratulations to the Prince Alfred College Red team on an outstanding season to win the Div 1 competition and dropping just 1 point for the whole season. The team will represent us in the Secondary Open section of the Australian Schools Teams Championship being held in Sydney in early December.

 The Adelaide HS Girls team won the playoff matches against Walford School, Wilderness School and St Peter’s Girls and will represent us in the ASTC Secondary Girls Competition. Well done!


2017 Division 1


Place Name               Feder Rtg Loc Score  Berg. Wins

  1   , PAC Red                        34    496.00    7
  2   , PAC Gold                       23.5  291.75    5
  3   , St Peter's Blue                19    261.00    4
  4   , PAC White                      18    227.00    4
  5   , Glenunga                       13.5  169.75    3
  6   , Adelaide HS                    12.5  171.50    1
  7   , Mercedes                       10.5  135.00    3
  8   , St Peter's White               6      83.50    0

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Feder Rtg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
1. , PAC White     * 0.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 4.5 3.0 2.5
2. , PAC Red     5.0 * 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
3. , Glenunga     2.0 0.0 * .5 2.5 4.0 3.5 1.0
4. , St Peter’s Blue     4.0 1.0 4.5 * 4.0 2.0 3.0 .5
5. , St Peter’s White     1.0 0.0 .5 1.0 * 2.0 1.5 0.0
6. , Mercedes     .5 0.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 * 3.0 0.0
7. , Adelaide HS     2.0 0.0 1.5 2.0 3.5 2.0 * 1.5
8. , PAC Gold     2.5 0.0 4.0 3.5 5.0 5.0 3.5 *

Secondary Division 2 (5 player teams)

2017 Division 2

A big Congratulations to the Adelaide Hills composite team on an outstanding season to win the Div 2 competition in a canter!

The team was Riley Karayiannis, George Bartley, Matthew Daly, Michael Smallridge and Damian Smallridge. Great work!

The Pembroke School will win the Shield for top Secondary School.


Place Name                   Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , Adelaide Hills                     55      318.0 379.0  352.0
  2   , Pembroke Green                     42.5    322.0 401.0  269.0
  3   , Campbelltown Library               42      324.0 403.0  269.5
  4   , Glenunga A                         41.5    317.0 396.0  253.5
  5   , PAC Red                            41      324.0 405.0  249.0
 6-7  , PAC White                          31      293.5 364.5  184.5
      , Pembroke Blue                      31      240.5 297.5  166.0
  8   , Pembroke Red                       29.5    295.5 362.5  201.5
  9   , St John's Grammar                  29      234.5 277.5  168.5
10-13 , St Peter's White                   28      327.5 406.5  183.0
      , Scotch College                     28      307.0 373.0  191.0
      , Pulteney Grammar                   28      296.5 356.5  189.0
      , Wilderness Gold                    28      260.0 314.0  180.0
 14   , SIG Spartans                       27.5    280.0 351.0  184.0
 15   , SIG Athenians                      27      336.0 403.0  205.0
16-17 , Immanuel Gold                      26.5    290.5 344.0  171.5
      , Immanuel Blue                      26.5    287.5 358.5  178.0
 18   , St Peter's Blue                    26      265.5 323.0  176.0
 19   , Blackfriars                        24      299.5 366.5  177.0
 20   , Adelaide HS                        21      251.0 294.0  129.5
 21   , St Peter's Girls                   18.5    271.5 338.5  116.5
 22   , Seymour College                    17.5    257.5 300.5  132.5
 23   , Glenunga B                         16      237.0 280.0  122.5
 24   , Nazareth                           12      223.5 269.0  100.0

Cross Table

No  Name                   Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12    

1.  , St Peter's Blue                13:3.5 15:2.5 14:2.0 12:1.5 19:1.5  4:1.0 10:5.0  5:0.0  3:2.0 10:3.5 21:2.0  2:1.5
2.  , St Peter's White               14:0.0 16:5.0  9:2.0 20:3.0  7:4.0  5:2.5 23:0.0 18:1.0 19:2.0  6:5.0  4:0.0  1:3.5
3.  , Wilderness Gold                15:4.0 13:3.0 12:2.0 14:1.5 17:1.0 19:2.0 21:2.0 22:0.0  1:3.0 20:3.0 24:4.0  8:2.5
4.  , PAC Red                        16:5.0 14:4.0 18:0.0 23:0.0  5:4.0  1:4.0 19:4.0 21:4.0 22:4.0 17:4.0  2:5.0 12:3.0
5.  , PAC White                      17:.5  19:3.0 15:3.0 13:3.0  4:1.0  2:2.5 20:4.0  1:5.0 18:0.0 23:0.0  8:5.0 10:4.0
6.  , Pembroke Red                   18:1.0 20:4.0 24:5.0  7:3.0 12:3.0 23:3.0 17:0.0 19:0.0 21:3.0  2:0.0 13:4.0 11:3.5
7.  , Blackfriars                    19:4.0 17:1.0 10:3.0  6:2.0  2:1.0 14:0.0 24:4.0 15:4.0  9:3.0 21:2.0 23:0.0 18:0.0
8.  , St Peter's Girls               20:2.0 18:0.0 11:1.0 16:2.0 22:1.0 24:3.0 16:2.0 10:2.0 20:2.0 13:1.0  5:0.0  3:2.5
9.  , Pulteney Grammar               21:4.0 23:1.0  2:3.0 10:4.0 14:2.0 17:.5  12:2.0 11:3.0  7:2.0 19:1.0 16:1.0 13:4.5
10. , Seymour College                22:3.0 24:2.0  7:2.0  9:1.0 11:2.0 16:1.0  1:0.0  8:3.0 13:0.0  1:1.5 20:1.0  5:1.0
11. , SIG Spartans                   23:.5  21:2.0  8:4.0 19:1.5 10:3.0 13:5.0 22:4.0  9:2.0 17:0.0 18:0.0 15:4.0  6:1.5
12. , SIG Athenians                  24:4.0 22:3.0  3:3.0  1:3.5  6:2.0 18:0.0  9:3.0 23:2.0 16:3.0 14:1.5 17:0.0  4:2.0
13. , Adelaide HS                     1:1.5  3:2.0 20:2.0  5:2.0 16:0.0 11:0.0 15:1.0 24:3.0 10:4.0  8:4.0  6:1.0  9:.5 
14. , Glenunga A                      2:5.0  4:1.0  1:3.0  3:3.5  9:3.0  7:5.0 18:2.0 17:2.5 23:3.0 12:3.5 19:5.0 21:5.0
15. , Glenunga B                      3:1.0  1:2.5  5:2.0 24:3.0 20:1.5 22:2.0 13:0.0  7:0.0 24:1.0 24:1.0 11:1.0 16:1.0
16. , Pembroke Blue                   4:0.0  2:0.0 21:1.0  8:3.0 13:5.0 10:4.0  8:3.0 20:4.0 12:2.0 22:1.0  9:4.0 15:4.0
17. , Campbelltown Library            5:4.5  7:4.0 23:2.0 18:1.0  3:4.0  9:4.5  6:5.0 14:2.5 11:5.0  4:1.0 12:5.0 19:3.5
18. , Adelaide Hills                  6:4.0  8:5.0  4:5.0 17:4.0 23:5.0 12:5.0 14:3.0  2:4.0  5:5.0 11:5.0 22:5.0  7:5.0
19. , Scotch College                  7:1.0  5:2.0 22:3.5 11:3.5  1:3.5  3:3.0  4:1.0  6:2.0  2:3.0  9:4.0 14:0.0 17:1.5
20. , St John's Grammar               8:3.0  6:1.0 13:3.0  2:2.0 15:3.5 21:.5   5:1.0 16:1.0  8:3.0  3:2.0 10:4.0 24:5.0
21. , Immanuel Gold                   9:0.0 11:2.0 16:3.0 22:2.0 24:3.0 20:4.5  3:3.0  4:1.0  6:2.0  7:3.0  1:3.0 14:0.0
22. , Immanuel Blue                  10:2.0 12:1.0 19:1.5 21:3.0  8:4.0 15:3.0 11:1.0  3:5.0  4:1.0 16:4.0 18:0.0 23:1.0
23. , Pembroke Green                 11:4.5  9:4.0 17:3.0  4:5.0 18:0.0  6:2.0  2:5.0 12:3.0 14:2.0  5:5.0  7:5.0 22:4.0
24. , Nazareth                       12:1.0 10:3.0  6:0.0 15:2.0 21:2.0  8:2.0  7:0.0 13:1.0 15:0.0 15:0.0  3:1.0 20:0.0

Secondary Division 3 (4 player teams)

Final standings

Place Name               Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , Endeavour                      40      240.5 287.5  249.5
  2   , PAC White                      38      236.0 288.0  235.0
  3   , St Paul's                      35      245.5 300.0  212.0
  4   , Mercedes                       29      232.0 281.0  173.5
  5   , Wilderness Blue                27      246.5 295.5  190.0
  6   , Walford Gold                   26.5    251.0 303.0  184.0
  7   , CBC                            24.5    220.0 269.0  144.0
  8   , PAC Red                        23      249.0 298.0  152.5
  9   , Adelaide HS                    21.5    258.5 313.0  151.0
 10   , SIG Thebans                    21      221.5 270.5  121.5
 11   , St Peter's                     18.5    246.0 295.0  140.0
 12   , SIG Corinthians                18      205.0 252.0  124.0
 13   , Walford Blue                   16.5    218.5 265.5  113.0
 14   , Pembroke                       14.5    221.5 270.5  102.5
 15   , Wilderness Brown               12      214.0 261.0   83.5
 16   , St Paul's Blue                 9       208.0 260.0   73.0
 17   , Glenunga IHS                   3        21.0  58.0    7.0

Cross Table

No  Name               Feder Rtg  1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12    

1.  , Walford Gold                4:4.0  2:4.0  5:.5  12:1.0 10:1.0 14:3.0  3:4.0 15:0.0  8:4.0  7:1.0 17:2.0  6:2.0
2.  , Walford Blue                5:0.0  1:0.0 13:3.0  8:2.0  4:3.0 17:1.0  9:1.0 16:4.0  3:1.5 12:0.0 14:1.0 10:0.0
3.  , St Peter's                 17:3.0 13:1.5  7:3.0 15:.5   6:1.0 16:3.0  1:0.0 12:1.0  2:2.5  8:3.0 10:0.0  9:0.0
4.  , Wilderness Brown            1:0.0   :2.0   :2.0 11:0.0  2:1.0  9:2.5  8:0.0 17:1.0 16:1.0 13:2.0  7:.5  12:0.0
5.  , Wilderness Blue             2:4.0 17:4.0  1:3.5 10:2.0 15:0.0 12:1.0  6:2.0  7:0.0 14:2.5 16:2.0 13:4.0  8:2.0
6.  , PAC Red                    14:2.0 16:3.0 15:1.0  7:1.5  3:3.0  8:2.0  5:1.0 10:1.0 13:2.0  9:4.0 12:.5   1:2.0
7.  , Mercedes                   15:0.0 11:4.0  3:1.0  6:2.5 16:4.0 13:2.0 10:2.0  5:4.0 12:0.0  1:3.0  4:3.5 14:3.0
8.  , SIG Corinthians            16:3.0 12:0.0 14:1.0  2:2.0 17:1.0  6:2.0  4:4.0 13:2.0  1:0.0  3:0.0  9:1.0  5:2.0
9.  , SIG Thebans                12:1.0 10:0.0 17:1.5 16:3.0 13:3.0  4:1.5  2:3.0 14:1.0 15:0.0  6:0.0  8:3.0  3:4.0
10. , St Paul's                  13:3.0  9:4.0 12:2.0  5:2.0  1:2.0 15:2.0  7:2.0  6:3.0 17:4.0 14:3.0  3:4.0  2:4.0
11. , Glenunga IHS                 :1.0  7:0.0 16:1.0  4:1.0   :      :      :      :      :      :      :      :   
12. , PAC White                   9:3.0  8:4.0 10:2.0  1:3.0 14:3.0  5:3.0 15:1.5  3:3.0  7:4.0  2:4.0  6:3.5  4:4.0
13. , Pembroke                   10:1.0  3:1.5  2:1.0 14:1.0  9:1.0  7:2.0 16:2.0  8:2.0  6:2.0  4:1.0  5:0.0 15:0.0
14. , Adelaide HS                 6:2.0 15:2.0  8:3.0 13:3.0 12:1.0  1:1.0 17:1.0  9:3.0  5:.5  10:1.0  2:3.0  7:1.0
15. , Endeavour                   7:4.0 14:2.0  6:3.0  3:3.5  5:4.0 10:2.0 12:2.5  1:4.0  9:4.0 17:3.0 16:4.0 13:4.0
16. , St Paul's Blue              8:1.0  6:1.0 11:3.0  9:1.0  7:0.0  3:0.0 13:0.0  2:0.0  4:2.0  5:1.0 15:0.0 17:0.0
17. , CBC                         3:1.0  5:0.0  9:2.5   :2.0  8:3.0  2:3.0 14:3.0  4:3.0 10:0.0 15:1.0  1:2.0 16:4.0

Primary A Grade (5 player teams)

The Evelyn Koshnitsky Shield for Champion Primary School

The Evelyn Koshnitsky Shield is an Invitational event to the most active primary chess schools in the SAJCL competition to take part in a 3 round competition to work who has the right to hold the Champion Primary School shield for the year.

The competition was won by East Marden PS, ahead of PAC and North Adelaide PS. Congratulations to East Marden, who also won the Primary A Grade and they will represent SA in th Australian Schools Teams Championship in Sydney in January.


2017 Primary A


Place Name              Feder Rtg Loc Score  Berg. Wins

  1   , East Marden Red               30.5  460.75    7
  2   , Linden Park PS                20    259.00    4
  3   , PAC Red                       18.5  276.25    4
 4-5  , Walkerville PS                14    230.50    3
      , PAC White                     14    194.50    3
  6   , St Peter's Blue               8     125.50    0


Primary B Finals – played on 21/9/17 – possibly the hottest day this year!

 2017 Primary B Finals 

Final standings

Place Name                 Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Campbelltown Red,                13.5     14.0  28.5   33.5
  2   North Adelaide PS,               11       15.5  32.5   29.0
  3   Mitcham-Highgate,                9.5      17.0  35.0   27.5
  4   Linden Park Maroon,              6        14.0  28.5   14.0
  5   Campbelltown Green,              4.5      15.5  32.5   11.0
  6   St Peter's Cream,                3.5      17.0  35.0    5.0

 Congratulations to the Campbelltown Library team on winning the B Finals – each player will receive an individual trophy. North Adelaide PS will receive the Primary B Shield as the top Primary School and their players will receive individual trophies.


Primary C Finals – played on 21/9/17

 2017 Primary C Finals 

Final Standings

Place Name                      Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Parkside Blue,                          13       15.5  33.5   34.0
  2   Stradbroke Blue,                        12.5     16.5  35.0   34.0
  3   St Peter's Cobolt,                      12       18.0  37.0   28.5
 4-5  Mitcham PS,                             11       15.5  33.0   24.0
      Grange PS,                              11       15.5  32.5   32.0
 6-7  Campbelltown Lib Yellow,                10       19.5  37.0   24.5
      Westminster Gold,                       10       11.0  23.0   22.0
  8   St Andrew's Red,                        8.5      18.0  33.5   23.0
9-12  St Andrew's Yellow,                     8        16.0  35.0   24.5
      North Adelaide Red,                     8        16.0  35.0   22.0
      Star of the Sea,                        8        16.0  34.0   20.5
      Stirling East PS,                       8        15.5  28.0   19.0
13-15 Parkside Maroon,                        7.5      18.0  38.0   17.0
      St Mark's Lutheran,                     7.5      15.5  33.0   20.0
      St Ignatius' Red,                       7.5      15.0  27.5   18.0
16-17 East Adelaide Red,                      7        15.0  31.5   17.5
      Linden Park Green,                      7        13.0  26.0   15.5
18-19 St Francis de Sales,                    6.5      18.0  37.0   15.5
      Linden Park Red,                        6.5      15.5  31.5   13.5
 20   Nairne PS,                              6        15.0  28.5   14.0
21-23 Walkerville PS,                         5.5      18.0  36.5   12.5
      St Paul's Bronze,                       5.5      17.0  34.0   17.5
      PAC White,                              5.5      16.0  34.0   11.0

Congratulations on the Parkside Blue team winning the Primary C Finals. They will receive the Shield and individual trophies. And well done to all the other teams – a very close contest!


Primary B Grade (4 player teams) PAC

2017 Primary B PAC


Place Name                 Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , Campbelltown Red                 22.5     74.5 108.0   95.5
  2   , Mitcham/Highgate                 21       68.5  95.0   86.0
  3   , Campbelltown Green               17       75.5 108.0   68.0
 4-5  , East Marden Green                15.5     80.0 112.5   66.0
      , Scotch College                   15.5     61.5  88.0   49.5
 6-7  , Rose Park PS                     13.5     67.0  93.5   50.5
      , St Peter's Silver                13.5     63.5  88.5   50.5
  8   , PAC White                        13       66.0  92.5   52.5
  9   , PAC Red                          12.5     77.0 103.5   51.5
10-11 , St Andrew's                      10       74.5 105.5   51.0
      , Mercedes College                 10       62.5  82.0   41.0
 12   , Norwood PS                       4        68.0  99.0   10.0

Primary B Grade (4 player teams) St Peter’s

2017 Primary B St Peter’s


Place Name                 Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , North Adelaide PS                21       68.5  94.5   79.0
  2   , St Peter's Cream                 20       69.5 100.5   86.5
  3   , Linden Park Maroon               16       70.5  97.5   58.0
  4   , Blackfriars                      14.5     68.5  98.5   55.5
 5-6  , St Peter's Ivory                 13.5     77.0 104.0   57.0
      , Linden Park White                13.5     63.5  90.5   53.5
  7   , St Peter's Gold                  13       71.5  98.5   52.0
  8   , Walkerville PS                   12.5     74.0 101.0   50.5
  9   , Wilderness Silver                10       69.5  95.5   45.0
 10   , St Peter's Purple                6        68.5  99.5   23.0

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) CBC – Tuesdays

Primary C CBC-2 – Round 7


No Name             Total   Result   Name       Total

 1 Parkside Maroon  [16.5]     :     Pembroke   [8.5]
 2 CBC Gold         [14.5]     :     CBC White  [8.0]
 3 CBC Blue         [12.5]     :     Pulteney   [5.5]
 4 Parkside Yellow  [14.5]  2.0:0.0  BYE             

Apologies - the previous round's scores were not received and so all the teams have been assigned temporarily the score 2-2.

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) East Marden

2017 Primary C East Marden – Round 7


Place Name                      Feder Rtg Loc Score  Berg. Wins

  1   , East Adelaide Red                     22.5  271.75    6
  2   , Campbelltown Lib Yellow               20    250.25    5
  3   , East Marden Yellow                    18    201.25    4
  4   , East Marden Blue                      14    167.75    3
  5   , Campbelltown Lib Blue                 11    136.75    1
  6   , St Francis of Assisi                  10    137.50    0
  7   , East Adelaide Green                   8.5   106.75    1
  8   , East Marden Orange                    8      80.50    2

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Feder Rtg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
1. , East Marden Yellow     * 1.0 1.0 3.5 2.0 2.5 4.0 4.0
2. , Campbelltown Lib Yellow     3.0 * 2.0 3.5 2.5 3.0 4.0 2.0
3. , East Adelaide Red     3.0 2.0 * 3.5 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0
4. , East Adelaide Green     .5 .5 .5 * 2.5 1.5 1.0 2.0
5. , Campbelltown Lib Blue     2.0 1.5 0.0 1.5 * 1.0 3.0 2.0
6. , East Marden Blue     1.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 3.0 * 3.0 2.0
7. , East Marden Orange     0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 * 3.0
8. , St Francis of Assisi     0.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 *

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) Grange PS Tuesdays

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) PAC 

2017 Primary C PAC


Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , PAC White                         17       68.0  91.0   61.5
  2   , North Adelaide Red                16       72.0  99.0   61.0
 3-4  , PAC Red                           15       73.0 104.0   67.5
      , Seymour College                   15       73.0 104.0   64.5
 5-8  , Scotch                            14       74.0 101.0   63.5
      , North Adelaide Blue               14       74.0  98.0   51.0
      , Rose Park  Blue                   14       67.0  90.0   59.0
      , Rose Park Red                     14       67.0  89.0   52.5
  9   , St Peter's Navy                   10       72.0  96.0   34.0
 10   , Pembroke                          7        70.0  97.0   19.5
 11   , Mitcham/Highgate                  0         0.0   0.0    0.0

Primary C Grade (4 player teams)  Rostrevor

Primary C Rostrevor


Place Name                    Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , Magill PS                           20.5     58.0  79.5   95.5
  2   , Stradbroke Blue                     18       60.5  84.5   76.5
  3   , Russian Ethnic School               15       57.0  81.0   55.0
  4   , Rostrevor Red                       10       62.0  86.0   48.5
 5-6  , Rostrevor White                     7.5      64.5  92.5   35.0
      , Rostrevor Black                     7.5      64.5  92.5   30.5
  7   , Pembroke                            3.5      75.0 105.5   13.0

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) St Andrew’s – Thursdays

2017 Primary C St Andrew’s 


Place Name                 Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , St Andrew's Red                  20.5     77.0  99.0   87.5
  2   , St Andrew's Yellow               18       75.0 109.5   74.0
  3   , Walkerville PS                   17       67.0  96.5   67.0
  4   , St Paul's Bronze                 16.5     71.5 101.0   63.5
 5-6  , St Paul's Silver                 15       80.0 114.5   59.0
      , St Andrew's Purple               15       65.0  87.0   60.0
 7-8  , St Andrew's Orange               14.5     78.5 110.0   60.5
      , St Andrew's Blue                 14.5     71.0  97.0   55.5
9-10  , St Andrew's Violet               14       71.5  96.0   66.5
      , St Peter's Indigo                14       66.5  88.5   55.5
 11   , St Pius X Silver                 11       61.0  80.0   38.5
12-13 , St Andrew's Green                9        65.5  86.5   37.5
      , St Pius X Gold                   9        65.0  86.0   33.0
 14   , St Paul's Gold                   4        63.0  92.5   10.0

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) St Ignatius’ 

2017 Primary C St Ignatius 


Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc Score  Berg. Wins

  1   , St Ignatius' Red                  18    230.00    4
  2   , Linden Park Green                 17.5  223.25    4
  3   , Linden Park Yellow                16    208.25    4
  4   , Glen Osmond PS                    13.5  176.75    3
  5   , Linden Park Gold                  13    178.25    1
  6   , St Ignatius' Gold                 12.5  162.00    3
  7   , St Ignatius' Bronze               11    143.00    1
  8   , St Ignatius' Silver               8.5   121.50    0

Cross Table

by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com
No Name Feder Rtg #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
1 , St Ignatius’ Red     *   3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.5
2 , Linden Park Green       * 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 4.0 3.0
3 , Linden Park Yellow     1.0 2.5 *   1.5 3.5 3.0 2.0
4 , Linden Park Gold     2.0 2.0   * .5 3.0 2.0 2.0
5 , Glen Osmond PS     1.0 1.5 2.5 2.5 * 1.0 2.0  
6 , St Ignatius’ Gold     1.0 2.0 .5 1.0 3.0 *   3.0
7 , St Ignatius’ Bronze     2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 2.0   * 3.0
8 , St Ignatius’ Silver     .5 1.0 2.0 2.0   1.0 1.0 *

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) St Peter’s

2017 Primary C St Peter’s


Place Name                   Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   , St Peter's Cobolt                  20       67.5  94.0   83.5
  2   , Linden Park Red                    19.5     59.0  86.0   67.0
  3   , North Adelaide White               16       75.5 103.5   64.0
  4   , St Peter's Sapphire                15       60.5  87.5   54.0
  5   , St Peter's Azure                   14.5     66.0  93.0   55.0
  6   , St Peter's Aqua                    13.5     78.0 106.0   62.0
  7   , Walkerville PS                     13       60.5  87.0   56.0
  8   , Blackfriars Blue                   8.5      70.0  97.0   40.5
  9   , Wilderness Brown                   8        66.0  92.5   24.0
 10   , Blackfriars White                  7        70.5  98.5   22.0

Primary C Grade (4 player teams)  Walford

2017 Primary C Walford


No Name                    Total   Result   Name                  Total 

 1 Parkside Blue           [10.0]     :     Parkside Maroon       [19.0]
 2 Mitcham PS              [17.0]     :     Westbourne Park Gold  [13.5]
 3 Westbourne Park Silver  [13.5]     :     Concordia Blue        [13.5]
 4 Walford Blue            [8.0]      :     Concordia White       [10.5]
 5 Concordia Gold          [10.0]     :     Walford Gold          [5.0] 

Primary C Grade (4 player teams) Westminster – Wednesdays

2017 Primary C Westminster


Place Name                  Feder Rtg Loc Score  Berg. Wins

  1   , Westminster Gold                  14.5  101.75    4
  2   , Westminster Bronze                10.5   97.75    2
  3   , Westminster Silver                9.5    93.75    1
  4   , St Peter's Lutheran               5.5    65.75    0

Draws for round 1 Primary

Updated January 14th, 2017

These matches take place during the second week of term 2, 2017

Draws for Round 1 Secondary

January 14th, 2017

The Division 1 and Division 3 Competitions start on the second Friday back in Term 2. The Division 2 Competition starts in week 3.  The competitions are played fortnightly, however there are a couple of occasions when there is a week’s delay because of a public holiday – there are no matches on the Friday before a public holiday.