SA Junior Results 2016

Updated January 30th, 2018

Congratulations to the following title winners for 2016:

State Junior Titles

State Under 18: Equal 1st: Peter Gregoric and Qi Le Kong-Lim; 3rd: Jing Ng
State Under 16: 1st: Oscar Herrmann; Equal 2nd: George Karassoulos and Axel Heinrich
State Under 15: 1st: Riley Karayiannis; 2nd: Ethan Low
State Under 14: 1st: Preshaan Thavarajah; =2nd: Matvei Kotousov & Leron Rathnayake
State Under 13: 1st: Chathula Kiripitige; 2nd: Ognyen Stankovic; 3rd Ethan Retnaraja
State Under 12: Equal 1st: Kevin Qi, Anthony Huynh and Ethan Liu
State Under 11: 1st: Ethan Liu & Kevin Qi
State Under 10: 1st: Ethan Retnaraja
State Under 9:  1st: Oliver Fenton
State Under 8:  1st: Athena-Malor Retnaraja

It’s hardly surprising with the winter weather we’ve been having, but a record number of juniors have been playing chess over the past few months. More than 70 took part in the championships during the holidays and the quality of the games was stunning.

This year’s State Under 18 Championship ended in a tie for first between Peter Gregoric and Qi Le Kong-Lim; 3rd was Jing Ng. The Under 16 title was won by Oscar Herrmann; Equal 2nd were George Karassoulos and Axel Heinrich.

The Under 15 Championship was won by Riley Karayiannis and 2nd was Ethan Low.

The Under 14 Championship was won by  Preshaan Thavarajah; equal 2nd were Matvei Kotousov & Leron Rathnayake. The Under 13 Champion is Chathula Kiripitige; 2nd was Ognyen Stankovic and 3rd Ethan Retnaraja.

The Under 12 Championship ended in 3-way tie between Kevin Qi, Anthony Huynh and Ethan Liu.


City of Adelaide Junior

CoA Under 21: 1st: Qi Le Kong-Lim, 2nd Denny Han; =3rd: Preshaan Thavarajah & Kee-An Seet.
CoA Under 12: 1st: Vladimir Godienko; 2nd: Anthony Huynh; 3rd: Ethan Retnaraja
CoA Under 11: 1st William Swanson; =2nd Tommy Burks & Royce Wong.
CoA Under 10: 1st: Athena-Malar Retnaraja; 2nd Anton Ivanov; 3rd Caleb Tang
CoA Under 9:  =1st Jayden Yue and Priyanka Thavarajah; 3rd Ian Liu

This year’s City of Adelaide Junior Chess Championships attracted over 70 juniors, with 30 playing in the Under 21- 12 event, 20 in the Under 12 and even more in the Under 10. It was very busy but wonderful to see the exciting talent we are fostering in Adelaide. The U21 was won by Qi Le Kong-Lim on countback from Denny Han. Preshaan Thavarajah and Kee-An Seet tied for third with Preshaan winning the trophy.

Vladimir Gordienko won the U12 Trophy on countback from Anthony Huynh. Third was Ethan Retnaraja. 1st in the Under 11 Section of this tournament was William Swanson and equal second were Tommy Burks and Royce Wong.

The U10 tournament was won outright by Athena-Malar Retnaraja; second was Anton Ivanov and third Caleb Tang. Equal 1st in the Under 9 section were Jayden Yue and Priyanka Thavarajah with Ian Liu coming third. Dimandiw Kosgallana impressed by winning all 7 games on the final day!

2016 State U18-12 Results

Updated January 29th, 2017

The Championships were a huge success. We had over 70 students taking part and the standard of play was very impressive.
Congratulations to the following title winners:
State Under 18: Equal 1st: Peter Gregoric and Qi Le Kong-Lim; 3rd: Jing Ng
State Under 16: 1st: Oscar Herrmann; Equal 2nd: George Karassoulos and Axel Heinrich
State Under 15: 1st: Riley Karayiannis; 2nd: Ethan Low
State Under 14: 1st: Preshaan Thavarajah; =2nd: Matvei Kotousov & Leron Rathnayake
State Under 13: 1st: Chathula Kiripitige; 2nd: Ognyen Stankovic; 3rd Ethan Retnaraja
State Under 12: Equal 1st: Kevin Qi, Anthony Huynh and Ethan Liu

2016 Under 12 Championship

Updated January 19th, 2017

The 2016 Under 12 Championship was won by Kevin Qi

SA 2016_U12 Championship